Sunday, February 13, 2011

How Canada came to celebrate Tartan Day - April 6

From a letter written by Mrs. Jean L. MacKarcher Watson, past- president of Federation of Scottish Clans In Nova Scotia:

"I have read different articles on Tartan Day and frankly although many are delightful I wish to clarify once and for all how Tartan Day started.

At a meeting of the Federation of Scottish Clans in Nova Scotia in the courthouse rooms in the town of Antigonish, (pronounced; Anti-go-nish) a discussion arose as to how few heroes we have in this day and age and who should our children look to as a hero or a person who could be held up as someone you would like to pattern yourself after.

Many names of Scots who helped settle this country were mentioned. After much discussion it was felt that many young people did not have much interest in their history or backgrounds. It was felt the Scots who came to Nova Scotia to settle and all of Canada as well showed what hard work, determination and faith in God could do.

We felt we should have a day strictly in remembrance of these people.

Our minutes read as follows: March 9, 1986 Motion by Bill Crowell, President of Clan Cameron and seconded by Jean Watson, President of Clan Farquharson... "that we establish a day known as Scot Day". Following discussion this was amended to read 'Tartan Day'". "This to be a day chosen to promote Scottish Heritage by the most visible means. The wearing of Scottish attire especially in places where the kilt is not ordinarily worn, i.e.; work, play or worship... in honour of our forebearers."

I was asked to find a date that would start the Scottish events for the year. April 6th was chosen. Not because it was the same date as the Declaration of Arbroath but because this date stood for the things we felt important to all.

I was given the job to publicize the date. I wrote to every Legislative Assembly Member across Canada individually and to all the Scottish Societies and Clans I could find asking their support. This was a labour of over ten years work.

In ten years Tartan Day spread from coast to coast thanks to all the various organizations Canada-wide who got behind this worthwhile day.

Following the establishment of the day in Ontario word started to spread across the U.S.A. and we were delighted to have them take up the cause.

Tartan Day is celebrated on April 6th and has been legislatively recognized by all provinces except Newfoundland and Quebec."

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